Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy July

Happy 6th of July! We made it through the holiday without any mishaps. The local paper had an article about people shooting their guns in the air and other people dying when the bullet came back down fatally hitting them. So we decided to stay in the house.

I’ve included a few early July photos of the front yard. A lot of the yarrow is blooming. They start out as red then move on to light pinks and whites.

The Echinacea is blooming.

The scutellaria is also coming in.
Over the next few weeks I will have to go out and deadhead the catmint so they start coming in again. It’s a fair amount of work but it still beats mowing the lawn!

My blackberries did well. I picked about 12 quarts of berries. I could have had a lot more but I would have had to stand guard 24 hours a day to keep the robins away. I think they got more berries than I did.

I did an inventory of all the stuff I need for my Canada trip. Just a few more items to pick up and I should be ready. I’m sure I’ll be running around on the eve of my trip picking up the last item. I do have my passport though.

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Boy, those gunshots can be dangerous. We had two such events recently here. One was on New Years. The other was when someone shot a cannon over a local lake.

    Hey, are you going to the same place in Canada as Pam? What a treat that would be.

    You yard looks great. I have the purple flowers too (I can't remember how to spell Ech....) I love them.

    Have a good safe trip.

  2. O brilliant way for people to celebrate the 4th! What are people thinking???
    your yard does look awesome. where's the pic of yarrow? I love yarrow! and the cone flower - yep, much easier to spell than echinacea. guess I need to call you.... I missed your call the other day.

  3. I thought our neighborhood was bad. At least we don't have to worry about being shot by a cannon. :-)

    No I'm not going with Pam. Tthey are leaving the end of this week, my trip is in the middle of August. I'm not big on fishing which is what they are going for. When we were growing up she was about the last person I ever thought would go fishing.
