Monday, November 11, 2013


October 17, 2013

Due to the federal government doing federal government things I got to have the day off from work.  I am not complaining about the day off, I’m complaining about the f government.  I’ve been working the whole time so I am better off than a lot of people.  That morning I kept going back and forth ‘To hike’ or ‘Not to hike’.  I was leaning ‘Not to hike’ but at the last minute decided to go....

Monday, November 4, 2013

Rio San Antonio (part 3 of 3) the golden hour

Sept 28, 2013

Usually we start out early in the morning, 700, making it to our destination around 830 and hike from there.  Since we scouted out a couple other locations and made a number of photographic stops on the way up so our hiking schedule moved to later in the day.  It actually made for better photography at the end of the day considering we were still on the road as the sun was starting to set…