October 17, 2013

Since I was the only one off I had to go myself. This has never stopped me before, I know I shouldn’t do it but I thought this may be my only opportunity to see full fall colors. My previous two hikes were way too early in the season. As it turns out this was a great day. I got to see lots of fall color and some snow, the advancing of winter, hence the title fall and impending winter.

It is a two hour drive, the mileage is not great, it’s 20 or
so miles of interstate freeway, 20 miles of four lane road and 40 miles of two-lane
road with speed limits between 25 and 50 mph.
The views along the way are spectacular.
I’ve been this way now about 8 times this year and always enjoy the
drive. The fall colors in the Jemez
Valley come in early relative to the Cebolla valley. You have to go by the Seven Spring Fish
Hatchery to get to the parking area for the Rio Cebolla, I have included a link
to the hatchery with a basic map to the hatchery. http://www.wildlife.state.nm.us/conservation/wildlife_management_areas/documents/SevenSprings.pdf

There was one other car parked upon my arrival. As it turns out the owner was a fly fisherman
with his two dogs. Fishing was fair but
he told me that he comes up here twice a week all spring and summer, all the
way to mid November to fish. The river
is clear; there have been no fires in the immediate vicinity of this valley to
cloud the river with debris from fires.
There are stands of aspen all through this little
valley. Glowing yellows surrounded by
dark greens of the fir trees. I went up
the valley about 1.5 miles before I decided to turn around. The usual happened, I was too busy looking to
make pictures than put on mileage, which is the real reason I was up there in
the first place. You may recognize some
of the locations from my December 26, 2012 post.
I crossed the river several times as I was looking for locations
to photograph the fall colors. The
shadows from the trees added interest to the many of the images. I got to get out my macro lens to do a few close-ups
of some of the leaves in the snow and even found a few dried bones laying out
in the open so I did a poor imitation of Georgia O’Keefe with my camera.
I hope you enjoy the images.
Thank you for stopping by,
wow. again, beautiful pics. Why do the forest areas by you seem much tidier than the forest by me?