Saturday, November 3, 2012

New Image

I felt it was time for an update. Neither Pam nor I have been doing much beading or bear making in quite some time. In fact I’m not sure if Pam will be adding anything to this blog so in the mean time I will make an attempt at keeping your attention.

I have gone back to photography. I did it for a long time but after finishing school with a background in photography I decided that I didn’t want to pick up a camera again for a very long time, if ever. I did make photographs when travelling or seeing family but to go out to photograph for the fun of it, no way.

I started getting interested in it when digital showed up but not interested enough to invest the $$. I’ve worked with my point and shoot; all the past images in this blog are from my point and shoot. This year I decided I want a better camera, so I went for it.

I bought a Canon DSLR and a couple of lenses and have been out shooting for fun again. One other reason for the DSLR at this time was my vacation which I took in early October. I went to the Great Bear Rainforest to photograph the wildlife. The new photo in the title is from my vacation.

I will be updating this blog over the next few weeks with a running story on my trip along with photos and if I can figure out how to do it, some videos. I like working on computers, I do it every day at work, but I don’t keep up with all the new ways to get things on the web. We don’t have any children so we don’t have to keep up with all the new technologies.

I hope to do a better job of updating this blog; I noticed I’m pretty consistent if adding a post once a year is good enough.

Thanks for stopping by, Mark

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