Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Slow start

One month in and I’m already one month behind.  I have been delinquent in getting out for my monthly hikes; a goal for 2015.  I can use the ‘snow’ excuse since it did ‘snow’, I’m afraid when I show my snow images you will roll your eyes, shake your head followed by leaving my blog, never to return.  I know better than to believe the weather forecasters about precipitation but I don’t want to be two hours away in my little truck without snow tires when they happen to get the forecast right.

The nice thing about snow in Albuquerque is that it is usually gone by the end of the day.  When I woke this past weekend I knew I had to get out early to catch snow images or I will miss it until possibly next year.  The mountains where I usually hike are a different story; the snow usually stays until spring but in order to stay it has to first make an appearance, a rarity this year.

All of these images were shot in my yard.  I just scaled back my usual landscape vision to intimate images.

Back to the maps for my February hike.

Thank you for stopping by,


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