Saturday, February 21, 2015

Yosemite National Park (part 3, final)

Today is the final day of my workshop/vacation.  Believe it or not I am up at 430 again to catch sunrise from Tunnel View.  I figure I won’t be here again anytime soon so I had better do it now.  The weather forecasters are predicting a front passing through the area with some wind but I’m not counting on anything.

Again, I am the first one set up waiting for something to happen.  There are some clouds in the area but it’s too dark to tell what’s going on up there....

They were right about the wind.  I’m sure glad I brought my rain pants; I quickly put them on to shield me against the cold, damp, windy conditions.

As the sun starts lightening the sky I see all forms of clouds around me.  I’ve seen more clouds the first hour today than I have seen this whole week.  They are dancing and flowing around the contours of the valley.  In some spots they are thick gray masses looking like they are ready to unleash a flood of water.  In others they are thin and wispy being torn apart by the winds whipping down the valley.  Every once in a while sunlight bounces off different facets of El Capitan while other parts remain in the shadows. You only have to wait for a few minutes to see a different scene. 

The impending storm never appears and as the sun climbs higher blue patches of sky appear.  This is the kind of day I was hoping for.  We all have seen pictures of the same bright blue, cloudless view from this location; only once in a while does the sky cooperate being partially filled with clouds.  This is my last planned opportunity to shoot something special and I am content to have witnessed this sunrise.

Now it’s back to the room.  I have to complete my packing and be on the road by 930.  I have about a 4 – 5 hour drive back to Reno where I catch a plane back home.  I plan on a 5 hour drive because I know I will stop a few more times on the way out of Yosemite.

At least this year fall in Yosemite Valley is at a different time than the Eastern Sierras.  As I was driving from Reno 6 days earlier fall color was in full ‘bloom’; when returning I noticed most of the leaves were already gone, leaving the trees bare.  In the valley the trees didn’t seem to notice that fall was coming.  Some had a little bit of fall color but most were still a summer green.
Before leaving Yosemite I made a few stops along the road, no photos this time, just enjoying the solitude and grandeur of this place.

The drive back to Reno is long, about 2 ½ - 3 hours from Lee Vining.  You pass through a number of National Forests where streams flow right alongside the road.  Between the forests you pass through multiple small towns. From Carson City, Nevada going south the Eastern Sierras run parallel to the highway forming a continuous wall to the west.

This is a spectacular part of the country to visit.  There are glaciers in the high country with cold flowing rivers born from those glaciers.  I stopped in one of the forest headquarters looking for information and was greeted by one of the volunteers asking what I wanted to do; hike, fish, backpack, camp, picnic or several other options I don’t recall.  It’s just a place to get out and enjoy.

Thank you for stopping by,


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