Since this is a doll, accent on doll, and bear show most of the vendors are selling dolls and doll related items. There were only four bear artists, out of the approximate 40 spaces total. All the bear people were put together so we could sit and talk about the doll people :-)
It seems that there still is money around for those people that have such strong urges to add to their collection(s). I spoke with the promoters and they said the attendance was up over 25% over last year’s show. I don’t know if 25% more money was spent but we were busy most of the time with browsers.
We, the bear people, were kind of creeped out by some of the dolls that w

I tend to think that bear people are a little closer to normal, unbiased opinion :-)
Since I had a successful show I get to go back and make more bears and needle felted pieces. My next showing will be at the ToonaRoona Holiday Open House on Saturday December 12, from 10AM – 3PM. Go to www.ToonaRoona.com for more information. It’s the place to go if you collect dolls and Mark’s Bears.
Thank you for stopping by.