Tuesday, February 24, 2009

head coverings by my talented bro!

As promised here are the pics of the head coverings Mark sent to me... aren't they cool? The brown one is made of, I'm not sure, almost a velour? but thinner and is very soft and almost shines different colors in different light. The purple one is definitely velour, right Mark? (shows how much I know my fabrics) and is really really soft and very very cool. While I wasn't feeling particularly glamorous at the moment, i at least have eyeliner and mascara on...
Thanks Mark!


  1. Pam and Mark, I think they are wonderful. I've been thinking of you a lot Pam. Keep strong.

  2. The purple one is velour. The brown one is charmeuse, very slippery and tough to keep aligned when sewing.

    Glad you like them.

  3. Wonderful head wraps! They look like they fit perfectly... awesome! Robin A.

  4. Aren't you lucky, Pam, to have this Mark brother!
    Decorative head coverings, indeed.

    Best regards,
